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CBD local公司招full stack engineer intern可转正

更新时间 2024-06-20 浏览量 35次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 软件开发公司
工作性质 实习
学历要求 Bachelor
签证要求 不限
工资水平 面议
工作亮点 团队友善,成长空间,英文环境
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职位: 全栈开发实习生
行业: IT服务和IT咨询
公司规模: 51-100人
模式: 线下实习
开始日期: 立即
持续时间: 12周,每周3-5天

1. 设计、开发和维护干净、高效、可重复使用且可靠的代码
2. 执行测试并编写技术文档
3. 维护和更新现有的应用程序代码库,包括排除故障以确保最佳性能和功能
4. 进行软件开发行业的研究

1. 拥有软件开发背景
2. 对 Node.js 或 React.js 框架感兴趣
3. 能够分析任务并在规定时间内完成
4. 具有灵活和适应性强的工作方法
5. 渴望了解行业动态
6. 积极主动的态度
7. 能够在最少监督下展示良好的团队合作能力

1. 有机会根据表现被转为正式全职员工
2. 与行业专家和同事建立专业网络
3. 获得全栈开发的实际操作经验
4. 更深入地了解 Node.js 和 React.js 技术
5. 通过调试和优化代码提升解决问题的能力
6. 体验在专业软件开发环境中的工作

Position: Fullstack Developer Intern
Industry: IT Services and IT Consulting
Company Size: 51-100 employees
Mode: Onsite Internship
Start Date: Immediately
Duration: 12 weeks, 3-5 days per week

Role Duties / Responsibilities
1. Design, develop, and maintain clean, efficient, reusable, and reliable code
2. Perform testing and create technical documentation
3. Maintain and update the existing application codebase, including troubleshooting bugs to ensure optimal performance and functionality
4. Conduct research on the software development industry

Preferred Skills
1. Background in software development
2. Interest in Node.js or React.js frameworks
3. Ability to analyze tasks and complete them within the allotted time
4. Flexible and adaptable work approach
5. Eagerness to learn about the industry
6. Proactive and positive attitude
7. Ability to demonstrate effective teamwork with minimal supervision

Internship Outcome
1. Opportunity for a permanent full-time position based on performance
2. Build a professional network with industry experts and peers
3. Gain hands-on experience in fullstack development
4. Deepen your understanding of Node.js and React.js technologies
5. Improve problem-solving skills through debugging and code optimization
6. Experience working in a professional software development environment

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